Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Train rides, Dreams, and Coffee

I did the unthinkable. I had a cup of coffee this morning. 54 mintues later, no hyperventialtion! I have a slight caffeine buzz, but that's all. So another day, and I can still say I am not hyperventialting.

Last night I had a nightmare. In the dream I had just bought a puppy who looked just like my all white Jack Russlle Nikko. Nikko died in March of 2002 after being run over by a truck in Costa Rica.

In the dream was carrying her with me everywhere, yet she kept dissapearing. My mom was in the dream, and I also had a panic attack in my dream ( or dreamed I was having one).

I was stuck without any medicine, and I was desperatley searching everywhere in my room for my precription note from my Doctor. That desperation and fear was present throughout the whole nightmare.

Speaking of dreams, that's another begnin side effect that I've experienced with Lexapro ( I forgot to add that one). On day three or four as I was drifting off to sleep my mind was flooded with with a number of forgotten memories... I experienced lucid like dreams in the hypnogicic state. Things that I had not thought about, or remembered, in over 13 14 years.

My train ride from Montpellier to Barcelona right after meeting my biological father Jean Pierre for the first time. The memories of the train ride were vivid. The colour of the water, the small towns, even the traincar itself. I had forgotton all about that trip.

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