Friday, July 11, 2008


Good news - no panic attack or breathing problems today for me. Just a tingling sensation in my legs and hands - as if they had fallen asleep.

Not so good news - I saw my son sticking his head out the window this morning. That's how he deals with the breathing problem. Somehow he thinks by sticking his head out the window it will help his panic attack. Makes sense from a child's point of view. He's had two full blown panic attacks, and I am beginning to realize that they occur when he is moving from one place to another. Poor thing :(. He was starting up on the subway as well. Not full blown panic but where I can tell he is feeling ill. He get a very worried look on his face and I can tell he is trying to control his breath.

Good news - I was able to get his mind off of it with questions like; What's the first thing your going to eat when you get to grandma's house? Or are you going which friends house are you going to go over to first?

Great news - He's on summer vacation away from the stinky city, and is going to enjoy every minute of it. Soccer camp, the beach, his friends, grandma spoiling him...

Good news - My doctor called and I am setting up an appointment for next week

Crappy news - I was so emotionally overwhelmed at the airport today while I was waiting for his airplane to take off I started to cry tears of happiness?relief? Whatever they were....that combined with feeling lightheaded and faint ...

and I forgot the bag where I was carrying my passport at the terminal! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Wishful thinking news - I am still keeping my hopes up that someone will turn it in tomorrow. I think one of the cleaning ladies got it.

Could it be I no longer have panic disorder???

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